Green Tea And Implants Quiz: Okay Or Not Okay?

If you’re someone who is wearing dental implants, you probably know quite a lot about what it takes to keep your smile safe and healthy. However, it’s not unusual to discover a lingering question here and there. For instance, you may wonder if your green tea habit (or perhaps you refer to it as an obsession!) is going to negatively impact the life of your implants. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to enjoy this beverage without compromising your tooth replacements. However, it’s not always good for your smile. Learn more with a quick quiz, so you can rest easy.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: On one hand, green tea is often considered “bad” because it is so acidic. This means it can cause acid erosion.
  2. True or False: Green tea can help protect you from gum inflammation, an issue that can end up making it more challenging to enjoy successful dental implants.
  3. True or False: Drinking tea consistently can end up causing your restorations to discolor over time.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. The acidity of green tea can lead to the erosion of your natural teeth over time. However, you don’t need to worry about it causing dental implants to fail. To be safe, follow tea with water, so it doesn’t continue to coat your teeth.
  2. True. You may have heard that green tea is loaded with polyphenols, which are naturally occurring compounds that can help protect your body against inflammation (even in your gums). This means that it may help prevent inflammation that may promote implant failure.
  3. True. If you want your entire smile to remain white (including your crowns), remember that green tea can leave a shadow. Rinse after tea and remember to brush and receive dental cleanings to keep your smile shining.

Get The Answers You Want To Protect Dental Implants

If you have questions, it is always best to bring them up during your visits with us. The more educated you feel, the easier it is to keep your dental implants safe and sound. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.