Perhaps you somehow got the idea that wanting or requiring dental sedation is unusual in some way. The truth is, it’s extremely common. You will find that at oral surgeons and at your general dentist’s office alike, the use of a sedative is becoming more and more frequent. Why? Well, because we want you to feel comfortable. Why are patients often so uncomfortable or unsure regarding smile care? Let’s examine this topic!
Implants And Dental Hygiene: Things You Should Know
Of course, if you have dental implants you know that maintenance doesn’t require a whole lot. It’s generally going to require the same as what you were used to with your smile before tooth loss. This is a relief because it means your life will go on as usual in the dental hygiene department. However, your hygiene will only go as far as you let it. What’s that mean? Well, if you know just how to practice optimal dental care, you can expect stellar results. If not, perhaps you’re noticing mediocre results. Let’s make sure you’re on the path toward best practices.
Speaking With Implants: 3 Things You Will Notice
One of the areas of concern we hear about quite frequently when patients are considering dental implants follows: What speaking will be like, will feel like, and more. We understand if you are thinking about this a lot. After all, you want to replace your teeth with fantastic results, which means improved eating, speaking, hygiene, and the list goes on. The brief answer to your overriding concern follows: Speaking will most certainly improve! As for the details you’re poring over, we invite you to consider a few things you’re going to notice with implants along the way.
Your Holiday Wish List 2017: Want Implants?
When you want dental implants for yourself, it’s not always easy to follow through. This is true even if you are certain that they are what you want, you know they will restore your smile the way you prefer, and you feel fully educated on the topic. Unfortunately, this might mean you’re a fantastic candidate but you just can’t find the motivation or the reason to say, “Okay, let’s do this!” We understand. They require an investment of both time and money and it’s a big choice. Fortunately, the holidays might be just what you need. (more…)
My Wisdom Teeth Grew In Just Fine: Now What?
You might hear lots of stories from friends and assorted family members who had some serious issues with their wisdom teeth! As you listen to these details of impacted teeth and more, do you do your best to shrink into the background and hide? After all, your third molars came in just fine, they didn’t damage your alignment, and they weren’t impacted. So … now what? Is this strange? Are you overlooking something? Perhaps everyone needs wisdom teeth removal but you just haven’t realized it yet. Not to worry. We can explain.
Tooth Extractions: Your Replacement Questions
When you come to us for any type of procedure, there are a lot of unknowns that come with new territory. Naturally, that brings you to us frequently brimming with questions about what’s going to happen and how things will unfold. We expect this every time! We also know that you may be sitting at home, wringing your hands in anticipation. To help take the edge off by offering a burst of knowledge if you’re seeing us soon for a tooth extraction, we offer some questions (and answers). For all other details, remember: We’ll offer explanations when we see you!
3 Major Ways Sedation Helps
On a conceptual level, you may recognize that dental sedation can be very beneficial for you as a dental patient. However, we are curious if you’ve ever delved a bit deeper to take a closer look at what choosing an anesthetic may mean for you when you visit our oral surgery practice. Are you dealing with any anxiety about scheduling your visit? Worried about your experience with treatments? First, of course, this option ensures you are comfortable! Now, let’s consider a few more ways it can help.
Need An Oral Surgeon? Come Talk With Us!
When you need an oral surgeon but you don’t have one at the moment, the task might feel unnerving at best. Beyond the fact that you require surgery is the fact that you now have to go out in search of someone you trust! Rest assured, we understand. Now, whether you were referred to our practice or found us on your own, we would like to begin by saying: Welcome! We’d also like to invite you to come in to talk with us. We know that this is new territory, which is why we’d like to help you feel confident when it comes to repairing issues with your oral health.
Your Annual Wisdom Teeth Reminder!
If your wisdom teeth are giving you problems in any way, even if you find that it’s just very difficult to keep them clean (which means problems like cavities are on the horizon), then it is to your benefit to choose wisdom teeth removal. However, if you are like many of our patients, your initial good intentions to schedule the procedure can get away from you. A couple days turns into weeks, which turns into months, and this can guide you toward some serious issues with teeth that really need extractions. So, what to do? Consider our reminder to guide you toward the timely removal you need.
How To Decide You Really Want Implants
There are so many choices to make in one lifetime. When it comes to deciding to replace your missing teeth after you have lost them, you are up against working with the prosthetic dentistry options available to you. On on hand, this seems easy! There are several solutions but they are not too vast for you to consider each one. On the other hand, this can seem challenging. Both dental implants and another prosthetic device may both offer you a suitable solution. So, how to decide that you prefer implants? We can’t make the choice for you but we can definitely help.