Extractions: More Common Than You Might Think

You may feel like one of very few people who has received a suggestion for a general extraction. We know this because when we recommend tooth removal to our patients, we are often met with a look of shock! While we can certainly empathize with your initial reaction, we do like to offer up some helpful advice: Rest easy. This is a very common procedure that offers beneficial results for your oral health in a variety of ways. Curious about the different issues that require extractions? Let us offer some new insight!


3 Ways To Avoid Worrying About Your Smile

Not feeling very interested in worrying about your smile? Do you find that though you are completely uninterested in such a habit, you end up doing a lot of it anyway? Don’t fret! We understand and can help you with some very simple advice that will allow you to feel confident about your oral health. You will soon find that concerns about dental implants, oral surgery, and more can dissolve with an easy approach.


The Deal With Dry Mouth

The Deal With Dry MouthDry mouth is medically known as xerostomia. It is a condition where a person’s mouth produces very little saliva. Since saliva is the body’s way of rinsing away bacteria, having very little rinsing can become a problem. Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of reasons: medication, autoimmune diseases, advanced age, hormonal changes, or lifestyle factors. Lifestyle choices that can cause dry mouth are smoking, alcohol use, or excessive consumption of caffeine. Dry mouth can cause an overpopulation of bacteria in the mouth because saliva is not present to rinse it all away. An overpopulation of bacteria can cause issues for your teeth and gums.  (more…)

The Cost Of Not Replacing A Tooth

The Cost Of Not Replacing A ToothLosing a tooth as an adult is usually not very fun. It does not come with a Tooth Fairy visit. With the exception of wisdom teeth extraction, losing a tooth as an adult usually comes as a result of some sort of negativity. Negativity such as severe damage or infection. When a tooth is missing from the front or visible part of the mouth, you may feel rushed to replace it for cosmetic reasons. But do you know why it is just as important to replace a tooth even if it is a spot even you cannot see? (more…)

Why Do I Need A Sinus Lift?

Why Do I Need A Sinus Lift?A tooth and its roots provide stimulation to your jawbone. When a tooth is extracted or removed from your mouth, it no longer stimulates the bone tissue. Without that stimulation, your body will demineralize the bone (also known as bone resorption). The jaw bone will soften creating a loose foundation for the teeth remaining in your mouth. On the upper part of your jaw, the softening of the bone can cause the floor of your maxillary sinus to sink. Think of the foundation of your house beginning to soften; the floor would begin to drop. A dental implant can stop bone resorption. If the sinus has overcrowded the upper jaw, the sinus lift may be needed to make room for the implant.  (more…)

Implants: The Different Parts Of Your Decision

If you don’t feel like you can quickly decide on dental implants, don’t worry: There’s nothing wrong with you! It’s important to remember that choosing implants for yourself is a multi-faceted experience. It’s not like deciding which outfit to purchase for a special event or which type of ice cream you want for dessert. There’s a lot that goes into the final choice! To help you feel better about taking the time to reflect and to gather all necessary details, we would like to walk you through the different parts of the decision.


Check Our Testimonials For A Little Motivation!

“I need to go see my oral surgeon but…” you say to a friend. What is the reason for your hesitation? If you are interested in caring for your smile with the oral surgery treatments you need but you are feeling a little concerned about what your experience will be like, it just might be time to take a stroll through our testimonials. The good news for you is that we have a lot of them, they’re easy to watch, and you will feel so much better seeing that men and women, all ages, and people with all sorts of oral health needs come to see us (and have positive experiences).


Very Good Reasons To Request Sedation

It’s very easy to feel like you need to simply buck up and get over it if you’re someone who deals with dental anxiety. However, whether you get some minor jitters or serious nerves kick in, this outlook may set you up for failure! When anxiety takes over, you may simply feel unable to follow through with care that you require for your smile. Good news: Dental sedation can help. While we provide a full variety of sedation choices for an even wider variety of reasons, let’s cover some we hear quite often!


Facial Trauma: Why Come To Us?

When you experience serious facial trauma, you find that the emotional weight you face is not only in regard to dealing with the associated discomfort but also with the journey ahead. Determining the best way to heal and to regain your appearance can feel like an insurmountable feat. Fortunately, immediately heading toward the care you need and a beautiful outcome requires nothing more than for you to schedule a consultation with our team. We invite you to contact us today and would like to share some reasons a visit with our team is well worth it.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms And Care

When an impacted wisdom tooth affects you, the solution you will need is wisdom tooth removal. However, how are you supposed to know if your third molar is impacted, if it’s causing you problems, and if it needs an extraction? If you are seeing your general dentist every six months, this will generally be something that comes to light through dental imaging during checkups. However, perhaps you have not been to the dentist in quite some time. Let’s explore common symptoms and treatment, so you know just what to do.
