Your High School Seniors: Remove Their Wisdom Teeth Soon!

Do you have a senior in high school in your family? Does your son or daughter still have his or her third molars, though you are almost positive wisdom teeth removal is going to be required? If this is the case, then our Santa Rosa, CA team wants you to remember that the sooner you take care of those teeth, the better! What’s the rush, you ask? Well, senior year and beyond is a time filled with lots of stuff to do, a lot of social functions, and more … none of which you will want interrupted with the need for oral surgery. Let us shed a little bit more light on the topic!

Senior Prom Is Serious Stuff

We remind parents that it’s a good idea to consider bringing your children in for wisdom teeth removal either well before senior prom or to instead wait until summer. It’s smart to check your high school senior’s schedule thoroughly before calling our practice to set up oral surgery! This dance is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and some just-completed-tooth-extractions will not bode well. This is particularly true because your child will need a bit of rest and recovery time, so a dance will be out of the question! Plan around it.

You Don’t Want Bruises For Graduation

Don’t mix up the beginning of summer with your son or daughter’s high school graduation. The good news is that you have months after the winter holidays are over with which to schedule your teen’s wisdom teeth removal. You may want to take up a bit of your child’s spring break or some other long weekend to ensure it’s complete if removal is pressing. Or, you may want to schedule it in the summer. Just be sure to consider graduation because nobody wants to deal with recovery during this time (and nobody wants bruising or swelling in their graduation photos!).

Definitely Take Care Of It

You might decide that you’re going to wait to take care of your child’s wisdom teeth removal until the summer after graduation, which may be perfectly okay! However, don’t forget to plan! Otherwise, summer may turn into fall, your kids may be off to college or other adventures and you will realize that this need (wisdom teeth truly can cause multiple oral health problems if they need to be removed but are left in place) has been left unaddressed. Call us soon!

Bring Kids In For Wisdom Teeth Removal

Bring those seniors and other high school kids in for the wisdom teeth removal they require, so they can get back to their daily lives with excellent oral health! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.