A Few Concerns You Can Treat, but Not Control

When it comes to safeguarding your smile and oral health, it can seem like the control is the name of the game. In many ways, it is. Preventing common concerns like tooth decay or gum disease means taking control of your hygiene and preventing the excess buildup of oral bacteria. However, not all oral health concerns can be so easily controlled, and you may be at risk no matter how well you care for your smile on a daily basis. Today, we take a brief look at just a few of those concerns, and how oral surgery might be the most appropriate solution for treating them.

The malformation of your jawbone

Your dental ridges form the foundation of your smile, and your lower jaw’s ability to move properly makes up its ability to function. The repeated function of your bite relies on several different factors, one of which is the size and shape of your jawbone. Some congenital conditions may lead to the malformation of your jawbone, causing one side to be larger or longer than the other. This can significantly impact not only your bite function, but also the development of your surrounding oral and facial structures. Corrective jaw surgery may sometimes be required in order to correct the malformation and, as a result, your bite function and overall facial appearance.

The impaction of your wisdom teeth

Your third set of permanent molars, often referred to as your wisdom teeth, may or may not develop. If they do, they may grow and erupt from your gum line in perfect formation, without ever causing a single problem. Or, as is often the case, one or more of your wisdom teeth will become impacted within the surrounding bone structure due to space constrictions on your dental ridge. This can lead to several different, increasingly worse symptoms, including severe pain in your jawbone and teeth, damage to nearby tooth structure, the misalignment of one or more teeth, and much more. Whether your wisdom teeth develop and whether they cause problems are not something you have control over; however, if they do become impacted, then surgically extracting them can save you from a lot of trouble down the road.

The development of oral cancer

The development of any cancer is something that nobody has control over, and in the case of oral cancer, it can include the disease developing in one of several specific areas of your oral tissues. The best defense against oral cancer is to live healthy and take consistently good care of your oral health. If your dentist notices signs that cause concern, then an oral surgeon may be able to perform soft-tissue biopsy to obtain an accurate diagnosis, and work closely with a team of oral health experts to provide the best treatment, if necessary.

Learn how oral surgery can help you

There are some oral health concerns that you have no control over, but with expert care, the right oral surgery may be able to help you correct them all. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.