Month: July 2019

Simple Ways To Recognize: You’re Interested In Implants!

You may know that dental implants are a cool, advanced, unique option for your smile if you don’t have all of your teeth. However, it may not necessarily have occurred to you just yet that you’re actually very interested in implants and discovering more about them. We remind you that when you’re even thinking about… Read more »

Damaged And Undamaged Teeth: Frequent Extraction Questions! 

When you have a damaged tooth, you wonder: Is it going to have to come out? Then, when you have an undamaged tooth that appears to be causing some serious problems for your oral health, again, you wonder: Is it going to have to come out? When you’re unfamiliar with the particulars of dental extractions… Read more »

Three Types Of Concerns That Implants Put To Rest

There are, of course, many types of worries that may come your way when you experience tooth loss. Then, when you replace missing teeth with traditional prosthetics, you may find that a new set of concerns arrives, which can end up having an impact on your daily life (and may cause you to stress about… Read more »

I’ve Been Referred To Your Oral Surgery Practice…Now What?

So, your dentist informs you that you require an oral surgeon and suggests you visit our Santa Rosa, CA practice. You have our name and you know you should contact us but as for the details, that’s about all you really know. This leaves you wondering: Now what? How do you follow through, what can… Read more »