How Oral Surgery Rebuilds Your Smile

santa rosa oral surgeryWhen you have lost a tooth, sustained facial trauma, or need jaw surgery, then you need to see a team of professional oral surgeons. Our team has the skills and expertise to rebuild your smile and correct these serious issues. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about rebuilding smiles with oral surgery.

The Initial Dental Examination

Our team will first take a look at our smile using advanced digital x-rays and CT imaging technology, so we can assess the cause and extent of your issues. This information is crucial as part of your oral surgery, so we can plan and implement the best treatment option. Every smile is unique, so each treatment plan is personalized, and we often work alongside your orthodontist and/or general dentist as necessary to ensure a seamless treatment transition afterward. Our doctors are also part of the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Trauma Team, so we have the skills and experience to conduct oral surgery in a day that removes not only the health and function of your smile, but your overall smile beauty as well.

Dental Sedation

We want to make sure you enjoy a positive and comfortable experience in our office, and a faster healing period. In addition to a local anesthesia, our trained and experienced team members will administer sedation to help you enter a calm state, with little to no memory of the procedure afterward. We could choose from nitrous oxide, oral sedation or IV sedation, depending on the extensiveness of the treatment, as well as factors like age, weight, medical history, and of course, your anxiety levels.

Facial Trauma

When you sustain facial trauma, let us know so we can offer treatment with oral surgery. Our team can rebuild the smile often starting with dental implants to restore the smile and rebuild the damaged facial bones and lacerations around your new smile. We take your facial structure into account, so we not only repair your smile but preserve your appearance too. We want you to feel proud of your new results afterward!

Jaw Surgery

If you have issues with the balance of your jaw, whether due to injury or concerns that have developed naturally, our team could recommend corrective jaw surgery. We can move the jaw up and down, in or out, and take time to ensure the final product is properly balanced, so you avoid complications and instead enjoy better smile beauty and bite function.

Grafting and Sinus Lifts

If you have lost teeth, the body will respond by limiting or diverting the flow of calcium and phosphates to the areas around the missing roots. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue begins to break down. The process could then weaken your smile and leave it unable to support dental implants, preventing you from enjoying a full smile again. However, we can rebuild the lower jaw with grafting, applying new structure taken from other parts of your body, or from synthetic sources. We apply these to rebuild the weakened portions. Once the area heals, we can add implants to move forward with tooth replacement. For the upper jaw, we can conduct a sinus lift, raising the sinus floor to uncover new tissues that can support your teeth.

Dental Implant Placement

Missing teeth can be a serious concern, and lead to weakened smiles and problems with different facets of your daily life. For a tooth replacement that can last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime, we will provide dental implants. Our team can replace a single missing tooth, or even support a bridge or denture. With options like All-On-Four, we can insert four specially placed posts and in the same visit attach a denture, so you leave with a full smile after only one visit. The crown or dentures will be custom made to ensure they handle daily bite forces and pressures, and that they look like natural teeth. Don’t let tooth loss impact your health and smile beauty in negative ways, talk to our team about options to replace your missing teeth with prosthetics that look and function like natural teeth.

If you have any questions about our approach to oral surgery, or if you would like to talk to our team about addressing your missing teeth, then contact our team today to learn more. Our team wants to help you smile with confidence again!

Schedule Your Oral Surgery Appointment Today

With oral surgery, we can rebuild your smile and help you enjoy optimal results. If you would like to learn more about our approach to oral surgery, then contact your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons by calling (707)545-4625.